Viewing and Editing Preferences of a Consumer Number

You can view the preferences of a consumer number present in your account. The preferences show you the consumer information and information related to the office managing the connection. In addition, you can also view the billing and payment preferences. You can edit and update some part of the information.

To view and edit preferences for a consumer number,

  1. Select a consumer number for which you want to view or edit preferences.
  2. Click Preferences. The View/Edit Connection Preferences section is displayed below the list of consumer numbers.


The View/Edit Connection Preferences section contains the following fields and buttons.

Fields and Buttons



Consumer Information

Consumer Number

Shows the consumer number for a connection.


BU/Circle Code

Shows the BU or Circle Code of the consumer number.

Circle Code will be displayed if the Connection Type is HT.

Consumer Name

Shows the name of the consumer.


Connection Type

Shows the type of connection for the consumer number.



Shows the address of the consumer.


Contact Numbers

Shows the contact numbers for the consumer number. L means landline number and M means mobile number.


Connection Managed By

Office Address

Shows the address of the office that is managing the connection of the consumer number.


Contact Numbers

Shows the contact numbers of the office that is managing the connection.



Shows the email address of the office that is managing the connection.


Connection Billing and Payment Preferences


Select, if you want to receive a copy of the bill by email. Bill received by mail is an e-bill, which will have a PDF format.

You will still receive a printed bill even if you select this option.

Email Address

Enter the email address to which you want to send the e-bill for the consumer number.


Paper Bill

Shows that the paper bill will be sent to the address for the consumer number.


  1. Edit the fields that are to be changed.
  2. Click Save to update the preferences.

You can also provide feedback about the office that is managing the connection of a consumer number.

To provide feedback for the office managing the connection,

  1. Click Provide Feedback in the View/Edit Connection Preferences section. A Feedback box is displayed.


  1. Enter your comments in the Feedback field.
  2. Click Submit to submit the feedback. Click Clear to clear the feedback field.

See Also